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 Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown

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Rousey Fan
Rich Davie
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Rich Davie
Rich Davie

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PostSubject: Re: Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown   Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 EmptySat Jul 26, 2014 11:30 pm

Robbie Lawler vs. Matt Brown

Round 1: Brown quickly takes the center of the cage. He presses forward. Lawler lands a combination. Brown looks for a takedown, but Lawler stuffs the attempt Lawler lands an uppercut. Brown misses with a right. Lawler lands a counter right hand. Lawler lands another combination. Brown inches forward. He lands a right hand that wobbles Lawler. Lawler lands a left hook. Brown cliches and lands an elbow. He takes Lawler down. Lawler gets to his feet, but takes a knee to the body. He presses Brown against the cage. Lawler lands a left hook. Brown delivers knees to the body. Brown lands elbows on the inside. They trade a few more blows as the round comes to a close. scores the round 10-9 for Lawler.

Round 2: Both men come out firing punches in the second, neither wanting to give any quarter to the other. Brown looks a little worse for the wear than Lawler from the previous round, as Lawler starts to take control of the round. Brown is firing off kicks, but Lawler doing a good job avoiding most of the power behind them. He slows, looking to counter, but Brown shoots and takes Lawler to the mat. Lawler quickly brings the fight back to the feet and fires of a hard left and then sticks Brown with a stiff right jab. Lawler utilizing a lot of head movement to make himself a hard target, and it’s proving effective, until Brown lands a spinning back kick followed by a solid punch combination. Brown catches some momentum and lands another flurry of punches. Lawler’s output has gone down considerably in the final half of this round, but he closes with a solid kick to the body. scores the round 10-9 for Brown.

Round 3: Brown looks for a takedown in the opening seconds. Lawler lands elbows and separates. Lawler lands a left hand. Lawler lands a powerful kick to the body. He lands another one. Brown paws with his jab. Lawler lands an uppercut as Browned moved in. He land s a right hook on the inside. Brown steps in with a left hand. Brown lands an outside leg kick. Lawler lands a front kick to the body. It apparently landed to the groin. It was clearly to the body on the replay. The fight is restarted. Brown looks for a takedown. Lawler shakes off the attempt. Lawler lands an uppercut. Lawler lands another kick to the body. Brown delivers a kick to the body. He lands a right hand to the body. Lawler lands to the body again. Lawler goes high with a kick. Brown goes high with one. The round ends. MMAWeekly scores it 10-9 for Lawler.

Round 4: The fight hits the mat early in the frame, Lawler working from Brown’s half guard. He gets Brown backed up to the fence and lands a big shot as Brown stands up. Lawler has a body lock from behind and drags Brown down, but they quickly return to the feet. Lawler tags Brown with an uppercut. Brown tries to shoot, but Lawler stuffs it. Brown lands a straight right, but Lawler doesn’t seem to notice and answers with a right hook. Brown is starting to look very tired, this being his first time seeing the fourth round of a fight. Lawler lands a hard combination with about 30 seconds left in the round. scores the round 10-9 for Lawler.

Round 5: Lawler opens with several straight lefts, but Brown answers with a kick to the body. Both men letting their hands go, but Lawler getting the better of the early exchanges. Brown lands an elbow, but Lawler recovers and starts landing multiple punches, closes the distance and presses Brown up against the fence. Lawler appears to slow a bit and Brown lands a hard punch combination and follows with a knee and a couple of kicks. Great action from Brown. Lawler lands a jab and then goes high with a head kick, but Brown is answering well, firing off punches that are rocking Lawler. Brown shakes out his right hand and keeps firing, but Lawler starts to answer with some punches of his own and a kick to the body that doubles Brown over slightly. Lawler keeps punching, but Brown isn’t done, he answers with several punches of his own. Spinning backfist from Lawler. Both men leaving it all on the table. A minute left, both men look tired, but they keep throwing leather. Lawler being effective with his jab and a front kick to the body. Brown leaps in with a punch, but Lawler tags him. They briefly hit the mat, Brown starts to get up, and Lawler kicks him back down. The horn sounds, Brown’s face is a bloody mess, but he smiles and slaps hands with Lawler for a fight well fought. scores the round 10-9 for Lawler.

Robbie Lawler def. Matt Brown by Unanimous Decision (49-46, 49-46, 48-47)
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Rich Davie
Rich Davie

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PostSubject: Re: Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown   Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 EmptySat Jul 26, 2014 11:43 pm

The unofficial Event Pool results are looking like this :

1st Place : Rousey Fan with 6-0
2nd place : Bill Waugh with 5-1
2nd place : Rich Davie with 5-1
2nd place : Chuck Dallas with 5-1

I'll sort out the official results and get the winners paid out tonight.
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Rich Davie
Rich Davie

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PostSubject: Re: Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown   Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 EmptySun Jul 27, 2014 12:08 am

Here are the official results of the 7th Event Pool.

Player Results :

1) TANITWH : 2-4

Brown - Incorrect
Johnson - Correct
Guida - Incorrect
Green - Correct
Cruickshank - Incorrect
Kingsbury - Incorrect

2) Rousey Fan : 6-0

Lawler - Correct
Johnson - Correct
Bermudez - Correct
Green - Correct
Masvidal - Correct
Cummins - Correct

3) Tree22 : 4-2

Lawler - Correct
Johnson - Correct
Bermudez - Correct
Green - Correct
Cruickshank - Incorrect
Kingsbury - Incorrect

4) MMA Fan : 4-2

Lawler - Correct
Johnson - Correct
Bermudez - Correct
Thomson - Incorrect
Masvidal - Correct
Cummins - Correct

5) Bill Waugh : 5-1

Lawler - Correct
Johnson - Correct
Bermudez - Correct
Thomson - Incorrect
Masvidal - Correct
Cummins - Correct

6) Rich Davie : 5-1

Lawler - Correct
Johnson - Correct
Guida - Incorrect
Green - Correct
Masvidal - Correct
Cummins - Correct

7) DGfishingtime : 4-2

Lawler - Correct
Johnson - Correct
Guida - Incorrect
Thomson - Incorrect
Masvidal - Correct
Cummins - Correct

8) Chuck Dallas : 5-1

Lawler - Correct
Johnson - Correct
Bermudez - Correct
Green - Correct
Cruickshank - Incorrect
Cummins - Correct

9) Acoope18 : 4-2

Lawler - Correct
Johnson - Correct
Guida - Incorrect
Thomson - Incorrect
Masvidal - Correct
Cummins - Correct

Event Pool VII - Place Finishes and Prize Awards :

Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 3071204234 Place : Rousey Fan - 6-0 - 3,000 Chat Cash
Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 141334498 Place : Bill Waugh - 5-1 - 1,000 Chat Cash
Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 141334498 Place : Rich Davie - 5-1 - 1,000 Chat Cash
Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 141334498 Place : Chuck Dallas - 5-1 - 1,000 Chat Cash
No 3rd Place Winner

5th Place - Tree22 - 4-2 - Eliminated
5th Place - MMA Fan - 4-2 - Eliminated
5th Place - DGfishingtime - 4-2 - Eliminated
5th Place - Acoope18 - 4-2 - Eliminated
9th Place - TANITWH : 2-4 - Eliminated

Congrats Players ! Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 2942214043

Bill Waugh, Chuck Dallas, and Rich Davie tie for 2nd Place and split the 2nd and 3rd Place Prize Awards for 1,000 Chat Cash each... Rousey Fan went a perfect 6-0 and wins 3,000 Chat Cash, but I'll throw in an extra 1,000 for the perfect picks.

I'll get the winners paid out tonight.
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Rich Davie
Rich Davie

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PostSubject: Re: Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown   Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 EmptySun Jul 27, 2014 12:26 am

Winners have been paid.

Congrats again Players ! Clap
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Rich Davie
Rich Davie

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PostSubject: Re: Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown   Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 EmptySun Jul 27, 2014 12:46 am

Here's how Damon and I did with our fight predictions on the last MMA Live Chat Show :

Bout : Robbie Lawler vs. Matt Brown
Result : Robbie Lawler defeats Matt Brown by Unanimous Decision with the judge's scorecards reading 49-46, 49-46, 48-47

Damon - Lawler by TKO in 2 - 4 Points
Rich - Lawler by TKO in 2 - 4 Points

Bout : Anthony Johnson vs. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira
Result : Anthony Johnson defeats Antonio Rogerio Nogueira by TKO due to strikes in round 1 at 0:44

Damon - Johnson by Decision - 4 Points
Rich - Johnson by KO in 2 - 7 Points

Bout : Clay Guida vs. Dennis Bermudez
Result : Dennis Bermudez defeats Clay Guida by Submission due to rear-naked choke in round 2 at 2:57

Damon - Guida by Sub in 3 - 0 Points
Rich - Guida by Decision - 0 Points

Bout : Josh Thomson vs. Bobby Green
Result : Bobby Green defeats Josh Thomson by split decision with the judge's scorecards reading 29-28, 28-29 and 29-28

Damon - Thomson by TKO in 2 - 0 Points
Rich - Green by Decision - 10 Points

Bout : Daron Cruickshank vs. Jorge Masvidal
Result : Jorge Masvidal defeats Daron Cruickshank by Unanimous Decision with the judge's scorecards reading 29-28, 29-28 and 29-27

Damon - Masvidal by Decision - 10 Points
Rich - Masvidal by Decision - 10 Points

Bout : Kyle Kingsbury vs. Patrick Cummins
Result : Patrick Cummins defeats Kyle Kingsbury by Unanimous Decision with the judge's scorecards reading 30-27, 30-25 and 30-24

Damon - Cummins by TKO in 1 - 4 Points
Rich - Cummins by TKO in 2 - 4 Points

Tally :

Rich went 5-1 with 35 out of 60 Points
Damon went 4-2 with 22 out of 60 Points
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Bill Waugh
I am but a Grasshoppa
I am but a Grasshoppa
Bill Waugh

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PostSubject: Re: Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown   Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 EmptyTue Jul 29, 2014 2:24 pm

I didn't do that bad considering this was my first time playing. Very Happy 
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PostSubject: Re: Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown   Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown - Page 4 Empty

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Event Pool VII - UFC on FOX 12: Lawler vs. Brown
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