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 UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)

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Rich Davie
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 2:40 pm

We're going live at 2:00 pm ET for our 3rd time on YouTube... the guys are going to discuss the UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida main card and give their predictions.

If we have time for a "Final Thoughts" segment, we'll briefly talk about another MMA topic or two.
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Rich Davie
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PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 5:13 pm

That was fun fellas... we kinda went off topic in a few places, but it was a good show.
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Rich Davie
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 5:15 pm

Holy shit !

We kinda rambled on... a 2 hour show.
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Angry Gameboy
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Left_bar_bleue1/1UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 5:26 pm

Long show, but fun.
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Left_bar_bleue1/1UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 5:40 pm

*laughing* I tried to throw the brakes on a time or 2, even though I enjoyed it.
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Rich Davie
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Left_bar_bleue1/1UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 8:02 pm

That was a good show... I listened to the whole show again.
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 10:23 pm

I still can't watch it still says unsupported video format
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Rich Davie
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 10:39 pm

Are you watching from a smartphone or computer ?
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 10:55 pm

Smart phone
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Left_bar_bleue1/1UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 11:42 pm

I just did too.... parts of it were kind of drowned out by the helicopters circling my house, though....
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Rich Davie
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyThu Jul 03, 2014 12:04 am

Tree22 wrote:
Smart phone

Sorry man... I was watching TUF.

I'm not sure what to say... I checked it out on my phone, and there was no problem.

Try the direct link to YouTube :

If that doesn't work, download the YouTube app... there shouldn't be a problem after installing the YouTube app, as that should install the necessary codecs.
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyThu Jul 03, 2014 1:57 am

I updated my YouTube app and that worked.And yes kimbo is suppose to be signing with belator and big country knocked mitrione out in the finale.Or was it shauab I'm pretty sure it was mitrione.
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Rich Davie
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PostSubject: Re: UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)   UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast) EmptyThu Jul 03, 2014 10:03 am

Good to see it's working... and thanks for confirming that info.
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UFC 175: Weidman vs. Machida Predictions On 'The MMA Live Chat Show' (Live Broadcast)
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