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 Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ?

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Rich Davie
Rich Davie

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Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Left_bar_bleue1/1Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Empty
PostSubject: Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ?   Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? EmptyMon Mar 31, 2014 9:52 pm

Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? InternetCensorship_zps3d4acc8c

The news that the current regime is seeking to turn internet control over to a global organization is more than likely not conducive to freedom of speech when looking at the graphic below.

I have no idea why some mental midget thinks this is a wise idea... but "I have a pen and phone" is apparently going to take this action with the stroke of a pen.

Click on link to view graphic, and click on image to enlarge.
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Rich Davie
Rich Davie

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Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Left_bar_bleue1/1Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ?   Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? EmptyMon Mar 31, 2014 11:28 pm

Here's a link to an article that references some of the issues :
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On path of knowledge
On path of knowledge

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Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Left_bar_bleue1/1Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ?   Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? EmptyTue Apr 01, 2014 2:14 am

Interestingly enough, I had a conversation with a buddy of mine shortly after the internet was turned over to a global organization - and he bought a a movie over iTunes, and noticed that in the charges for the movie, was a new, INTERNATIONAL tax.

He posted about it in the iTunes forums, asking why there was an international tax involved now, since we already pay taxes at point of sale for iTunes stuff. His post was deleted, and he received an email stating that he is no longer welcome to post in the iTunes forums.

I've not been able to verify any of this, but something damned sure smells fishy.
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Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ?   Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ? Empty

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Is turning internet control over to a global organization conducive to freedom of speech ?
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