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 Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor

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Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor Left_bar_bleue1/1Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

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PostSubject: Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor   Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor EmptyTue Oct 28, 2014 1:46 am

Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor Aldo_v10

This is going to be a really interesting fight if it goes down... I have to give Conor his dues, he is a great fighter.

For Aldo to win this fight has to happen in Brazil, and the same for Conor if he is in his home country then he is going to be flying high with emotions... Which I think could work in Aldo's favor. He tends to overlook opponents and that will be a big  mistake to do that to Aldo. I give the speed advantage to McGregor, but the heart experience and championship swagger I give to Aldo.

No doubt this will be a kickboxing match, but If Aldo uses leg kicks and softens Conor up for the takedown then he could possibly sub Conor since that seems to be his only weakness is his sub defense... But that will never happen, this fight will stay on the feet and I say Aldo shocks the world and wins by TKO in the fourth by the way of a superman punch that stuns Conor then he follows up with some GnP until the ref stops it.

What's your guys take on this fight.
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Rich Davie
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Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor   Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor EmptyTue Oct 28, 2014 2:45 am

I'll have to revisit this when it's not so late... I'm getting ready to crash right now.
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Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor   Lets break down Aldo vs McGregor EmptyTue Oct 28, 2014 8:59 am

Honestly i still need to see a bit more from Conor. I think hes awesome and a Super talent for sure. But when it comes to the likes of an Aldo type striker that is something Conor has never delt with before. Now as for how the fight plays out it depends on how technical Conor really is? If he is as elusive as he seems to be and he can t hit Jose without getting hit he could very well drop Jose and win this fight, IF he decides to test out his mettle in the Muay Thai Dept i could totally see him getting slept. I dont think Conor would want to fight Jose in the same way that Mendes did
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