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 The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30

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Rich Davie
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The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Left_bar_bleue1/1The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

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PostSubject: The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30   The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 1:07 pm

The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Death_10

By Rich Davie
August 22, 2014

The Death Knell For Windows 8 can now be heard in the near distance... and for many PC users, the death of Windows 8 can't come soon enough.

There are new reports that say Microsoft will give the world a first look at the new version of Windows on September 30 or shortly thereafter... and it looks like Microsoft will be going back to the basics in some regards in Windows 9.

Windows 8 was yet another instance of Microsoft rushing to get an incomplete and not fully tested operating system to market simply to establish another revenue stream to increase profits.

From the perspective of a computer technician, I can tell you that the majority of clients that I have interacted with absolutely abhor Windows 8... and as basic end users, they have every reason to !

For tech savvy individuals, the changes to Windows 8 over Windows XP and Windows 7 were not insurmountable obstacles... but to your average end users who don't like, want, or appreciate change.

The changes in Windows 8 were just way too dramatic, and such a far departure from the comfortable Windows operating systems that end users have become familiar with over the last 10 to 20 years.

We've seen this sort of business strategy over and over again by Microsoft... and it has chased many end users away from Microsoft to one of the many flavors of Linux, and even Apple computers.

Check out this graphic (even though it forgets to include Windows 2000 and Windows NT) :

The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Window11

Whoever came up with the idiotic idea to make an operating system on a computer function like a smartphone with a swiping feature when you move the mouse should not be allowed back into the design team brainstorming headquarters... and that goes for the brainiac who decided it would be wise to do away with the oh so familiar and comfortable start menu.

In addition to that... the design team decided to make the safe mode feature extremely difficult to find for the average end user.

Tweaking-out the Windows 8 operating system to get it back to a somewhat comfortable and functional method of operation is not a straight forward task that can be easily accomplished by most individuals who are basically end users that simply want to turn on their PC and use it as they have in the past.

I could go on with other complaints that have been conveyed to me, but to me it was quite obvious what the geniuses at Microsoft were trying to do yet again... and that goal was to try and create an operating system that would be an end-all-be-all cross-platform operating system for the end user's desktop, notebook, tablet, and smartphone.

This was something they failed at miserably back when they tried to merge Windows 2000/Windows NT and Windows 98 into the abysmal failure that was the Windows Millennium operating system... this was basically the operating system that evolved into Windows XP, but it was rushed to market simply to generate revenue.

As I mentioned earlier, this repetitive and failed business strategy has chased many PC users away from Microsoft... and I've experienced this revolt first-hand in the world of a PC technician.

Even though I'm a Microsoft PC guy, I refuse to purchase any Microsoft operating system until it's been out for at least 6 months to a year so most of the initial bugs and glitches can be worked out... but then again, I'm fortunate enough to be able to resurrect nearly any computer that most end user give up for dead
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Angry Gameboy
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The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Left_bar_bleue1/1The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

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PostSubject: Re: The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30   The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 1:45 pm

Windows 9 looks just like Windows 8 with a start menu. Just saying. People just can't handle change. Instead of updating Windows 8 to work like Windows 9, they chose to charge people for a new OS that is basically Windows 8 with a start menu.
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Rich Davie
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The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Left_bar_bleue1/1The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

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PostSubject: Re: The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30   The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 2:15 pm

Yeah... Microsoft is constantly shooting itself in the foot with all of these OS "upgrades" that aren't well thought out.

The Windows 8.1 release with the "Start Menu" addition was nothing like the start menu that preceded Windows 8... and I agree with you, they simply should have added the proper start menu to Windows 8 instead of forcing users to buy a new OS or pay for a 3rd party app to regain functionality of the start menu.

It'll be interesting to see what other changes have been made.

I'll probably download the Windows 9 RC to check things out before recommending it to others... but anything straight out-of-the-box other than Windows 8 or 8.1 is more than likely going to be an improvement, much like Windows XP over Windows Millennium and Windows 7 over Windows Vista.

It's a shame Microsoft cant's get it right the first time when releasing new operating systems.
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Angry Gameboy
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The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Left_bar_bleue1/1The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

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PostSubject: Re: The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30   The Death Knell For Windows 8 : Windows 9 Will Debut as Early as Sept. 30 EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 2:24 pm

The start button is basically what held Windows 8 back. People don't like change.
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